This project was created to showcase Pinatex, a material made from the leaves of Pineapples. The non-woven mesh is biodegradable, uses a closed loop production method and benefits the pineapple farms by creating an extra income source in addition to farming. No extra water or land is needed to produce the Pinatex. The leaves of the pineapple harvested plants are usually burnt or buried with approximately 13 million tonnes of waste from global pineapple agriculture yearly.
This project focused on alternative materials as a way to avoid using traditional materials such as leather. The buckles, D-rings and stud feature are 3D printed using PLA filament and an FDM printer. Due to the customisable nature of 3D design and printing, the pieces were able to be prototyped and changed quickly with relative ease. 
With the advent of 3D printing the ability to design and produce for a small business has become a reality. With less production time, lower costs related to inventory and storage as well as transportation. Model files can be sold Online and printed in the consumers home, with personal choices of colour and material adding to the value of the item printed.
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